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Need to disable Smart assist, Agent scripts and Knowledge search from screen

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I am using two applications: Sales Hub and Customer Service Omnichannel. In Sales Hub, I do not receive any pop-ups like this. However, when I open a lead from the Omnichannel application, an annoying pop-up appears (see attached image). I need to disable all three pop-ups.

Thanks in advance.

  • Suggested answer
    CU01071623-0 Profile Picture
    CU01071623-0 on at
    Need to disable Smart assist, Agent scripts and Knowledge search from screen
    Paytm customer helpline number: 969-3749-801...24/7 at call for watching this helpline 
  • PerezAguiar Profile Picture
    PerezAguiar on at
    Need to disable Smart assist, Agent scripts and Knowledge search from screen
    As stated by Cui, this is fixed using the Agent Experience Profile.  In this scenario, it's also important to remember that a user can only be member of 1 Agent Experience Profile at any time. So, you'll need to remove a test agent from the current Experience Profile and add it into this one you've created.  After you confirm this behaves the way you need, you can start removing agents from the current Profile and then assign them to this one.
  • CU27062016-0 Profile Picture
    CU27062016-0 5 on at
    Need to disable Smart assist, Agent scripts and Knowledge search from screen

    Hi Cui Hao,

    Thank you for your response. I have created an agent experience and tried to add users, but I am not getting the list of users. I need to add all users to this, but this is what I am getting out-of-the-box: user.



  • Verified answer
    Cui Hao Profile Picture
    Cui Hao on at
    Need to disable Smart assist, Agent scripts and Knowledge search from screen

    After testing, I found that these three pop-ups have something to do with Agent experience profiles.

    I did a test as follows:
    I created a custom profile.

    I added a User to this profile, turned off the Smart assist, Agent scripts and Knowledge search functions and added the Lead entity.

    Then when I operate this User into this app, I don't see these three popups.

    So you can customize the profile, add users to your customized profile, assign them the appropriate permissions, and then you can disable the display of these three functions for the user.
    However, you cannot customize or delete the system default profile, which means that if you are a system administrator, you will not be able to cancel the display of these three functions in your environment, but you can cancel the display of these three functions for other users, if you are a normal user, you can contact your system administrator.

    If my answer was helpful, please click Like, and if it solved your problem, please mark it as verified to help other community members find more. If you have further questions, please feel free to contact me.

    Best regards,
    Cui Hao

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