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If no agents are connected, then... ?

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Hello everyone,
I'm working on a Copilot that transfers the chat to agents in Customer Service. However, I would like to manage what happens if no agents are connected. Is there a way for the Copilot to know that and react based on this ? (ex. If no agents are connected, fill out a form to create a case, etc.).
Thanks for your help :)
  • Suggested answer
    PerezAguiar Profile Picture
    PerezAguiar on at
    If no agents are connected, then... ?
    There is much more going on previously.  The bot must probably be connected to a Workstream that will also have some queues and routing enabled.  So what to do when you have all agents in the queue "not available"? Well, you can configure Overflow conditions  Basically, you can implement some logic so if you exceed a certain number of workitems in queue:  Let's say you have 5 agents configured to receive 3 conversations each, so the number of items in queue should be 15/16 max.  As per documentation you can 
    - Transfer to another queue that has no Agent, but a different Bot, that will ask the customer some questions and will generate the Case automatically
    - End the call
    I hope this answer has helped you solve your problem. If you are satisfied with it, please consider marking it as the excellent answer by clicking on the green check mark below. This will help other users who have similar questions find the best solution.
     Thank you for your feedback!
  • Suggested answer
    Dengliang Li Profile Picture
    Dengliang Li Microsoft Employee on at
    If no agents are connected, then... ?
    According to the official documentation.
    Preconfigured automated message triggers
    If there is no agent connected, the relevant automated message is displayed to the customer.
    Best Regards,
    Dengliang Li

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