Customer Service forum Custom ribbon button on Activity view

Last replied Posted on by anthony56 4

Hi, I am having an issue with adding a custom ribbon button on an Activity view. Ideally we need the button to appear either when viewing a list of ...

Customer Service forum Automate phone call activity for sales team on a treshold of terms in Customer Service

Last replied Posted on by SergeP 50

As a Customer Service Manager I want an auto phone call activity created for the Sales Team responsible for an acct. when remaining terms of customer reaches 5 so Sales can contact the customer to renew or upgrade the entitlements and to continue ...

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Customer Service forum D365 Plugin Registration Tool - Not Working

Last replied Posted on by Lazodomi 30

Hello, I am currently unable to use ANY of the buttons with the Plugin Registration tool used for D365. My goal is to update an Assembly. However, if I click the "Update" button, nothing happens. I tested out all the other buttons and t...

Customer Service forum How to "Copy" an Entity to create a new Entity?

Last replied Posted on by Datadvancer 351

I need create a new entity in my CRM system. But according the requirement, this new entity is same as another working entity, even the business logics on it are same, only the diffrence is the name. Is there any short cut way to "Copy&q...

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Customer Service forum Highlight the column based on Some Condition in CRM Form

Last replied Posted on by Win Mya 30

Hi everyone, I want to color/Highlight the column if the specified condition is satisfied. Like this if the condition is satisfied, highlight this cell to green, if not, set red. Is it possible?

Customer Service forum How to open external URL inside dynamics 365 customer service workspace main content area.

Last replied Posted on by PS-15070917-0 4

Hi There, I want to open an external URL link inside dynamics 365,To be precise beside home button tab. Kindly refer screen shot for more informat...

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Customer Service forum How to access bulk CoPilot conversation summary data

Last replied Posted on by DavidBest 41

Now that Copilot conversation summary is enabled how can I access the bulk data? Is it stored in our dataverse tables? If so which one?

Customer Service forum Channels add-on question / Teams chat and Teams voice

Last replied Posted on by jfrobidas 4

Hi,   I look on the licenses guide but I can find any clear answer.  Do you have any channel matrix how show what add-on is require for ...

Customer Service forum Inline image editing in knowledge articles does not work

Last replied Posted on by Community Member Microsoft Employee

Hi, The inline image editing that was supposed to be included in the Dynamics 2019 Wave 2 release does not work for us. In the Knowledge Article section of the Customer Service Hub I have tried to copy paste from snippets, screenshots, google imag...

Customer Service forum Inbound Emails with multiple recipients (users/queue) only one Email record created

Last replied Posted on by Vikesh 30

Hi all,   I have an issue with inbound emails with multiple recipients where only one email record is being created in CRM.    Fo...


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